PHP Syntax

PHP's syntax is similar to other languages like C, Java or Perl.


Unlike programming languages like C, you do not have to explicitly declare a variable in PHP. You only need assign a value to a variable and it is declared automatically. Variables in PHP are preceded by the $ symbol.

$integer_variable = 10;
$string_variable = "this is a string";
$decimal_variable = 3.14;

PHP supports the standard operators, including +, -, *, /, =, ++ and --. Boolean operators include == (equals), != (not equals), > (greater than), and < (less than).


$x = 5 + 5;
$y = 10 * 11;
$z = $x / $y;

if ($x == $y) { }
if ($y != $z) { }

Conditions in PHP are resolved using the if�then..else statement.

if ($variable == "something") {
  execute some code�
else {
  execute some different code�

The two main loops in PHP are the for�next loop and the while loop.

for ($count = 0; $count < 10; $count++) {
  execute some code�

while ($count < 10) {
  execute some code�

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